5 Ways to Keep Your Sanity as a Parent #Momology


Hi folks, last week I penned my parenting mantra to deal with tricky situations as part of the #momology blog train (read the post here). This week’s prompt is even more interesting- “5 ways to energise yourself when you’re exhausted of parenting”.

I took a long break from my legal practice when my son was born. The first couple of years went in adjusting to my new role and responsibilities as a mother. Once I felt comfortable being the primary caregiver, and established a system, I could finally devote time to myself. My first foray into self-discovery was writing my blog. Writing gives me vigour, keeps me mentally fit and raises my self-worth tremendously. I’ve recently made inroads back into the legal profession as well.

Juggling motherhood with writing, networking, editing; along with nurturing my fledgling career as a lawyer, after a long hiatus; is not easy! This hectic lifestyle leaves me completely exhausted. Read on to know the 5 foolproof methods I’ve adopted to stay sane as a working parent:

  1. TRAVEL:

Traveling to new places or returning to old favourites, is balm to my soul. I crave being on the go, at least once a month. I don’t travel much for work, which ensures all the travel is pleasurable. Fortunately, all my family members and even my son enjoy travel- so I don’t face much resistance!


I can’t stress the importance of self-care enough. With our busy lifestyles, pampering ourselves becomes last priority. We forget that a pedicure or head massage, can have the same effect as a week-long vacation! Next time you’re feeling down and out, book yourself a spa or salon appointment and watch your spirits rise.


Sometimes blocking my reality is the best form of therapy. This includes reading an engaging book, watching a good film or TV show, or watching mindless videos on YouTube. The latter is the easiest to make time for, in my jam-packed day. No one will grudge you a 10-minute video break, no matter the situation 🙂


Spending time with my loved ones is essential to my mental well-being. This includes time alone with my husband, my family members and my close friends. I recommend scheduling date nights with your partner, frequent visits to your parental home (if possible), and a catch-up session with friends once a month for sure.


If none of the above pointers seem feasible, there’s always retail therapy. With the advent of online shopping sites, it’s easy to have a quick shopping fix. I’m an unabashed shopaholic!

I hope my list inspires you the next time you’re in a rut. I also recommend, staying connected with other parents in similar situations. Often, I feel energised simply by comparing notes with my mommy friends. What do you do when parenting and life gets a bit much? Please share in the comments section below.

This post is part of the #Momology Blog Train hosted by ThoughtsbyGeethica, SlimExpectations, Mummasaurus and Truly Yours Roma sponsored by FirstCry Intellikit, Instacuppa, Diet Funda, Hugs n Tugs, Tina Basu, Unorthodox Peeps, Lotus Herbals Baby and Shumee Toys. I would like to thank Nimmi for introducing me in the Momology Blog Train. You can read more about her work at I would like to introduce Keerthana who blogs at

*Unless specified, all pictures are taken on my phone. Copyright belongs to nooranandchawla. Featured image courtesy-

**This is not a sponsored post

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